Registration Fees
All-Access Pass
This registration type is available to Thespians, future Thespians (students not inducted into ITS), adult EdTA members, and other adults. It includes all standard event programming, residence hall housing, and a meal plan. Add-On Activities are available for additional fees.
Thespian: $999 (Best Value!)
Future Thespian: $1,099
Member: $849
Non-Member: $949
Activities-Only Pass
This registration type is available to all the same types of attendees as the All-Access Pass, and includes all standard event programming, but does not include residence hall housing or a meal plan. Attendees with Activities-Only Passes must book housing in one of the host hotels associated with ITF and may purchase meals at any on-campus eatery or arrange other meals as needed. Add-On Activities are available for additional fees.
Thespian: $799
Future Thespian: $899
Member: $649
Non-Member: $749
*Special Parent/Guardian Passes are available for adults wishing to bring individual students whose schools do not have a Thespian troupe and who plan to stay off campus. Includes access to ticketed performances and exhibit hall. Contact for pricing information.
Add-On Activities & Virtual Programs
Thespy Awards Adjudication: $50
(in person or virtual)
College Auditions: $50
(in person or virtual)
Theatre Education Conference: $250
Educator Appreciation Dinner: $0
(first-come, first-served based on availability)
*Student Add-On Activities are available only to Thespians and require the completion of an additional participation form by the student participant. Students unable to attend ITF but who wish to participate in Thespy adjudications or College Auditions (and who meet the qualifications) can submit materials vitrually for the price of the Add-On Activity alone.
Payments, Quotes, Cancellations & More
Please read our comprehensive 2025 ITF Registration Guide for complete information on payments, quotes, discount codes, financial assistance, and cancellations/substitutions.