Transportation & Housing
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Transportation & Housing


How to get to Bloomington and where you'll stay while at ITF.


Indianapolis International Airport

The Indianapolis International Airport is the closest airport and is approximately a 1-hour drive from IU Bloomington's campus.

GoExpress Shuttle

GoExpress offers ITF attendees discounted shuttle service between the Indianapolis International Airport and various stops in Bloomington. Print your reservation or show the confirmation on your mobile device when you board the bus. The ITF discount code is available in the Attendee Service Center, which can be accessed after registering for the event.

The following GoExpress Shuttle pick-up and drop-off locations are most convenient for ITF attendees:

IU McNutt Residence Hall Access to McNutt and Briscoe Quadrangles
Indiana Memorial Union (IMU) Access to the Biddle Hotel, ITF Event Registration, Exhibit Hall
Wilkie Residence Hall North Access to Forest Quadrangle, Teter Quadrangle, Eigenmann Hall
Hilton Garden Inn ITF off-campus host hotel
The Graduate ITF off-campus host hotel

If making your shuttle reservation before receiving your housing assignment, select the IMU as the drop-off location. You can amend your drop-off point with GoExpress anytime prior to your scheduled shuttle service.

Private Charter Busses

Go Express

Discounted rates for charter busses are also available through GoExpress for ITF attendees. Log into the Attendee Service Center after registering for ITF to view the discounted rates.

Other Charter Companies

Additional local charter companies are listed below, should you need service at a date/time that Go Express is unable to accommodate. Note that the following companies do not offer discounts for ITF attendees.

Campus Shuttles

Shuttles are provided for those with accessibility needs. Please walk if you are able, as walking is the fastest way to get around ITF. All residence halls are a 15 to 20-minute walk from festival activities, while the wait for a shuttle could be 45-60 minutes.


To participate at ITF, all registered attendees are required to stay either in a residence hall or an ITF host hotel. ITF requires this for many reasons, including but not limited to risk management, logistics, and agreements with Indiana University Bloomington and local law enforcement. Groups attending ITF together must choose the same registration and housing option when registering.

Residence Halls

All-Access Passes include housing and meals at a designated residence and dining hall on campus. Residence halls accommodate all genders, with floors being divided based on a gender binary. The Campus Housing Form must be submitted by the Primary Adult Leader (PAL) for each registration group by May 14, 2025 and can be found in the Attendee Service Center.


Students are housed in double-occupancy dorm rooms with roommates as assigned by the PAL for each registration group. If the group has an odd number of students, any student without a designated roommate will be housed alone. ITF will not randomly assign roommates across registration groups.

Per Indiana University's Programs Involving Children (PIC) policy, attendees must be separated by floor based on a gender binary. We encourage troupe directors/chaperones to make roommate assignments that provide safety and comfort for their students. Also per IU's PIC policy, adults and students are not permitted to sleep in the same room.

Beds & Linens

IU residence halls feature twin XL beds, and a majority are lofted (approximately 4 ft. off the ground). The PAL must indicate in the Campus Housing Form if an attendee needs their bed lowered. ITF is required to submit all requests to lower lofted beds in advance. The following items are provided by IU for each attendee:

  • Pillow x1
  • Pillowcase x1
  • Fitted Sheet x1
  • Flat sheet (twin XL) x1
  • Blanket x1
  • Towel x2

Room styles and bathroom accommodations (including private, semi-private, and community) vary by building. Buildings with community bathrooms will be designated by gender, with separate bathrooms for students and adults. While we are unable to guarantee private bathrooms, should an attendee require a private or ADA-accessible bathroom, the PAL should indicate these needs on their Campus Housing Form, and ITF staff will do their best to accommodate each request.

Adult Rooms

Adult Leaders are housed in single-occupancy dorm rooms in the same residence halls as the students they are chaperoning. See the ITF Registration Guide to learn about ITF's chaperone policy.

Campus Meal Plans

Attendees housed in residence halls will be issued a meal card to use at their assigned dining hall during scheduled meal times. Meals will be available beginning with breakfast on Monday, June 23 and ending with dinner on Friday, June 27.

All-You-Care-To-Eat menus include a variety of healthy options featuring plant-based, vegetarian, and vegan fare. The food is flavorful and showcases the best of local, regional, and international cuisine.

Dietary restrictions should be indicated during the registration process so that IU's dietitian can ensure allergen-free foods are offered in the dining halls.


Adults with valid driver's licenses who are staying in residence halls will be issued a Community Housing (CH) parking permit and will have access to any of the CH lots on campus during the week of ITF. Each dorm has a dedicated CH lot. CH parking permits will be distributed at housing check-in. Each group should indicate how many CH parking permits they need on their Campus Housing Form.

Upon check-in, attendees will be required to provide the following information to receive their CH parking pass:

  • Driver's full name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Make and model of vehicle
  • License plate number


Groups who prefer to stay off-campus should select the Activities-Only Pass when registering. ITF has contracted with a variety of hotels at varying price points. Room types (king, double/double, suites) vary in each hotel, but for budgeting purposes, expect to accommodate an average of three people per room.

All hotel reservations require a credit card to hold the reservation. No payment will be processed until after the conclusion of the group’s stay. ITF is not able to provide official quotes or invoices for hotel stays; all invoices and balances due will be managed by the hotel, and all payments will be made to the hotel directly.

All hotel reservations made through the registration process will be listed as “pending” in the Attendee Service Center until after the reservation deadline on May 28, 2025. Please do not contact the hotel regarding reservations before this date. Once a hotel has finalized their reservations, the PAL should receive a confirmation number directly from the hotel. This confirmation number can also be viewed in the Attendee Service Center beginning about a week prior to the event’s start date.

Some groups choose to arrive early or extend their stays. ITF’s contracts with the host hotels include a limited number of rooms available at the discounted ITF rate both before and after the event. Instructions for adding additional days to your stay will be included with the reservation confirmation.

Biddle Hotel & Conference Center
Biddle Hotel & Conference Center

Biddle Hotel & Conference Center

The Biddle Hotel is located in the heart of campus at the Indiana Memorial Union (IMU). The IMU is bustling with ITF activities throughout the week, including registration/information, exhibit hall and college fair, networking activities, and workshops.

Hilton Garden Inn
Hilton Garden Inn at sunset.

Hilton Garden Inn

The Hilton Garden Inn is located six blocks from campus in downtown Bloomington.

Other Information

Visit Bloomington logo


Downtown Bloomington features a plethora of restaurants, diners, and eateries. Visit Bloomington has compiled list of restaurants within a 5-minute walk from every edge of the IU campus!

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All-Gender Restrooms

Inclusivity is important to IU and to ITF. All-gender restrooms are available in most IU buildings. IU has compiled a map of locations across campus.

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